Dentistry evolves constantly. That is why continuing education is essential for dentists. Reading dental journals is an easy way to stay up to date. There is quite a large number of journals, so we have listed the most important German magazines from some specialist areas for you.
zm – Zahnärztliche Mitteilungen
With a circulation of approx. 77,000, “zm” is the largest German trade journal for dentists. It is relevant for all dentists as the articles cover a wide variety of specialties that are treated in-depth. In addition, “zm” is the official journal of Bundeszahnärztekammer – Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Deutschen Zahnärztekammern e.V. (German Dental Association, BZÄK). With BZÄK offers an extensive online platform with articles from specialties such as orthodontics, implantology, endodontics, prosthodontics, surgery, and esthetic dentistry. Those who want to keep up with the latest developments can subscribe to the zm newsletter. Online, you can find many job offers and access the practice market, where dental practices for sale are posted. Those who seek further education material will also find what they are looking for. Over 400 future events from the industry are listed on Young dentists and those who want to become dentists get their money’s worth under “zm-starters” with articles about studying, setting up a practice, or becoming employed as a dentist.
Circulation: 77,417 (Q2/21)
Publication: 24x / year
Cost: 168 € annual subscription
ZMK – Zahnheilkunde, Management und Kultur
“ZMK” stands for dentistry, management, and culture. It is one of the highest-circulation dental journals in Germany and also offers a large collection of online articles for free. Its topics are very diverse and include, in addition to those mentioned above, many specialties such as implantology, periodontology, pediatric dentistry as well as digitization. They also send out a newsletter with a lot of relevant information and news every two weeks. Online, young dentists will find a separate section with many tips on tax, finance, and legal issues. And what is more, with ZMK’s interactive continuing education program you can collect up to 10 continuing education credits per year (link 002_continuing education credits).
Circulation: 38,000 (Q1/21)
Publication: 10x / year
Cost: 62 € annual subscription, 8 € single magazine
DZW – Die Zahnarzt Woche
“DZW – Die Zahnarzt Woche” is published 38 times a year and deals with current topics in the fields of practice management, dentistry, and dental technology. DZW is also published as an extensive online magazine with many valuable articles about practice management and specialties such as cariology, anesthesia, and implantology, among others.
Circulation: 45,891 (Q2/22)
Publication: 38x / year
Cost: 97 € annual subscription (digital & print), 59 € (digital only)
Der Freie Zahnarzt
“Der Freie Zahnarzt” has one political focus per issue. In general, this trade journal covers current events in health policy, professional politics, and dental associations.
Circulation: 45,374
Publication: 11x / year
Cost: 192 € annual subscription
Dental Kompakt – Das Jahrbuch
The “Dental Kompakt” yearbook is published once a year and provides a complete market overview of dental products and services. With over 100 product comparisons, this trade journal serves as an orientation and decision-making aid for dentists who consider purchases for their dental practices. In addition, the 600-page report compares and evaluates, among other things, capital goods, consumer goods, and non-durables. So anyone planning a major purchase for their dental practice will find good advice. The website of this dental journal also offers great added value. It lists products for dental practices and dental laboratories that can also be compared and categorized according to size, weight, supplier, functions, and price.
Circulation: 30,000
Publication: 1x / year
Cost: 50 €
For 40 years, “DENTAL MAGAZIN” has been providing interesting tips for practice owners who are willing to invest and prioritize quality and continuing education. This dental journal covers topics from practical dentistry to management and quality management. Those who prefer to read the articles flexibly on the Internet can do so on the DENTAL MAGAZIN website. In addition, the print magazine can also be browsed digitally free of charge.
Circulation: 22,903 (Q2/22)
Publication: 8x / year
Cost: 80 € annual subscription
Plaque N Care
“Plaque N Care” contains specialist articles for dental practitioners. In addition to product information and news from the dental industry, this trade journal offers tips specifically for the practice team. Like the journals mentioned above, “PNC” also offers an online magazine, similar to that of “ZMK”. Its articles cover topics from periodontology to esthetics and prophylaxis. You can also collect continuing education credits and register for their newsletter.
Circulation: 15,000
Publication: 4x / year
Cost: 25 € annual subscription, 7 € single magazine
der junge zahnarzt
Since 2010, “der junge zahnarzt” has been the go-to journal for students, final-year students, assistants, and young dentists. It is the ideal companion for those starting their careers and includes continuing education and practice management topics. This dental journal is available free of charge for subscribers—not only online, but also in printed form.
Circulation: 9,638 (Q2/22)
Publication: 6x / year
Cost: free of charge
Dentale Implantologie & Parodontologie
An even more specialized journal is “Dentale Implantologie & Parodontologie”. As the name suggests, it is particularly suitable for dentists specializing in implantology and periodontology. You will find appealing articles focusing on further education and optimization of your dental practice. An online blog is also available. Since “DI” is published by Spitta-Verlag just as “ZMK” and “PNC”, their websites are very similar and the structure is almost identical. The topics, on the other hand, are more specific and concentrate on implantology and periodontology. A newsletter and an overview of relevant events are also available.
Circulation: 9,500
Publication: 7x / year
Cost: 50 € annual subscription