Innovative AI technology
for dentistry

Arbeitsweise zahnmedizinischer KI-Technologie

Innovative AI technology for dentistry

Imaging, in particular radiological procedures, have supported dental diagnostics for decades. Artificial intelligence (AI for short) can automatically evaluate digitized dental X-ray images in a matter of seconds – with dentalXrai from Charité Berlin now also in everyday practice use.

Standardized high-quality analysis

Time savings in reporting and documentation

Optimized patient communication

Figure: Schematic representation of machine learning

dentalXrai technology

To develop dentalXrai, the team fed annotations from tens of thousands of X-ray images into the artificial neural networks to train the AI. The result of this intensive training of the software is algorithms for various findings.

The software solution loads, processes and documents all the necessary data – and according to a study, with a significantly better reporting quality than that of many dentists.

dentalXrai – Features

The dentalXrai software detects and classifies teeth including their restorations and other non-natural structures as well as caries and apical lesions on X-ray images.

The detections are then marked in the X-ray, documented and automatically transferred to a tooth map.

Assistenz-Software für die Zahnmedizin

Figure: Schematic representation of the user interface with exemplary detections

We look forward to introducing dentalXrai to you!

Learn about our AI solution for dental professionals

Would you like to learn more? We would be happy to present the KI X-ray diagnosis to you in detail.
  • Automated processes
  • Time-saving support
  • Color coded detections

    die KI-Technologie von dentalXrai

    dentalXrai: AI diagnostics in the practice

    • Trained for panoramics and bite-wings
    • Time-saving AI support in daily practice
    • Developed for the needs of dentists

    Here you can learn more about how you can already use dentalXrai in practice today:

    Our partners

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    Partner synmedico