Continuing education credits are essential for dentists. By law, you need to collect 125 credit points in a 5-year period. We explain what you should keep in mind, how to collect these points, and how the dentalXrai ACADEMY and our dental expert and co-founder Prof. Dr. Schwendicke can help you.
What are continuing education credits and what do I need to consider?
The obligation for dentists to continue their education was laid down in the German Social Security Code in 2004. The German Dental Association (BZÄK) and the German Society for Dental, Oral, and Maxillofacial Medicine (DGZMK) decide how many credit points must be achieved. Currently, 125 points need to be collected over a period of five years. However, this only applies to panel dentists. Evidence is provided in the form of continuing education certificates, which must be submitted to the respective Association of Panel Dentists (KZV) at the end of each period.
The five-year period is not flexible. For panel dentists who had already received their license before June 30, 2004 it began on July 01, 2004. In all other cases, the period starts on the exact date of registration or employment authorization. Prior to the deadline, the dentists receive timely notice to submit their continuing education credits. Here it should be noted that surplus points, i.e. more than 125, cannot be carried over to the next period. They simply expire.
Insufficient or no proof of continuing education credits can have serious consequences. First, the compensation entitlement for the first four quarters of the next period will be reduced by ten percent. From the fifth quarter, it drops further to 25 percent. Failure to submit the missing credits within the following two years may result in the withdrawal of the license.
Obtain 6 continuing education points through the dentalXrai ACADEMY with Prof. Dr. Falk Schwendicke
Panel dentists are therefore obliged to regularly continue their education. But how and where exactly can the necessary continuing education credits be obtained? One way is self-study. Reading appropriate specialist literature is rewarded with up to ten points per year. This means that up to 50 of the required 125 points can already be earned this way. Dentists do not need to provide proof that they have actually read the literature. Continuing education courses, including online lectures (webinars), are also possible.
One such webinar is the dentalXrai ACADEMY with our expert and co-founder Prof. Dr. Falk Schwendicke. He discusses modern caries diagnostics with the aid of artificial intelligence and talks about how dentalXrai’s software can support dentists. Caries management in the context of microinvasive therapies is also explained in detail.
The topics are divided into three blocks of 45 minutes each. The sessions always take place on the first three Wednesdays of the month and start at 7:15 pm. Upon successful completion, participants will receive a certificate of attendance and six continuing education points. If you want to learn more about the dentalXrai ACADEMY, take a look here (German only).